Tuesday 12 February 2013

What a day...

Well, what a day.  Day off from the 'day job', but i do not know where the day went!!  Managed to knock out a painting for a friends birthday.  In case your wondering, it is going in his bathroom, which already has a union jack theme running through it.
You can imagine my suprise, when i received a phone call this evening, to tell me someone had seen one of my paintings in the local newspaper...first time in print :-)  . I am finally gaining in confidence and starting to believe in my ability.
After a week of putting my work out there (wherever possible across the web) i have acquired 4 new commissions and lots more interest in my work.  I never dreamt in my wildest dreams that this could happen.  I am so thrilled.  I would like to thank everybody who has contacted me, from tweets, to likes, to comments.  You are all an important part to this.  I would be nowhere without you.

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