Sunday 17 March 2013

A very busy month!

I'm back! Finally...after weeks of hard work and family commitments, I've finally done some painting! It's so hard fitting it all in these days. Bare with me's been a difficult month. Ur support is much appreciated.

As everybody knows, times are hard and buying gifts for birthdays, anniversaries and celebrations is something that a lot of people are struggling with. We are no exception, so I have been using canvases and wooden boards that I have had lying around to do the gifts for people we love.

When I left the navy I thought my life would be easier, less wrong I was!! But I am back and putting plans together to maybe do some cards and nik and naks to possibly sell at local craft fayres. We will see how things go when I'm back at work ( I've had 2 weeks off to spend with the mrs and kids over Easter).

Paintings below are mothers day presents and my dads 70 th birthday present. Also a commission I was asked to do for a friend of her boyfriend ( who is a diver).

Tuesday 12 February 2013

What a day...

Well, what a day.  Day off from the 'day job', but i do not know where the day went!!  Managed to knock out a painting for a friends birthday.  In case your wondering, it is going in his bathroom, which already has a union jack theme running through it.
You can imagine my suprise, when i received a phone call this evening, to tell me someone had seen one of my paintings in the local newspaper...first time in print :-)  . I am finally gaining in confidence and starting to believe in my ability.
After a week of putting my work out there (wherever possible across the web) i have acquired 4 new commissions and lots more interest in my work.  I never dreamt in my wildest dreams that this could happen.  I am so thrilled.  I would like to thank everybody who has contacted me, from tweets, to likes, to comments.  You are all an important part to this.  I would be nowhere without you.

Sunday 10 February 2013


I realise that perhaps this post should have come first. Apologies. My name is james maughan, I am 34. I took redundancy from the royal navy last year and me n my wife moved back to my home city of Plymouth, UK. I am dad and step-dad to two wonderful 11 year olds (challenging yet fun).

I first took to art whilst I was in the navy. I needed an outlet after everything I had seen and experienced. This is the reason for the bright colour usage in my paintings.

Through the whole of my navy life I craved to go home and settle in Plymouth, where I belong. This is the reason for the basis of most my paintings being in and around the Plymouth area.

I was lucky enough to find full time work as soon as I left the navy, i pull 3 13 hour days and one half day, which also leaves me free time to paint. I was approached by a friend, who asked me to do all the art work for a restaurant he is running. I am currently working on painting three and four for this project.

Well time to go and do some more. I will upload the other paintings when they are finished, for now here is some that I did whilst locked in a cabin on my old base.

Sleep tight people.

Friday 8 February 2013

It's a work day...

Don't you just hate it when all you want to do is paint and real life gets in the way. I have 2 more commissions to finish for the restaurant who requested all their art work from me and I have to go to work....bleurgh! I will write a proper post and introduce myself properly when I have sated the tax man lol.

Have a great day all!